Know How To Get License If You Have An Intention To Open A Company With Technical Services

 There are two types of technical companies the first one is a Local Liability Company (LLC), and this license is for those people who have wide range of services. The low scope of services can be provided under the patronage of sole ownership license, which is also called single ownership company license.

Technical Service Company with single ownership

So if you have decided to open a technical company services with single ownership license then you have decide the name first. The rule to choose the name for business license in Dubai is that you cannot choose any religious name, and you have to offer 5 different names for approval. The concern department checks the offered name is already registered by some other entity or not. Choose best free zone in UAE!

So once the name is allotted to you then it goes for the initial approval, and in this the business consultants will help you. After this the court agreement takes place and then turn comes for the legal translation services.

Then immigration card will be issued for one year as the license is also for one year. The labor card is issued for life time and after the business license, along with this the other papers are also issued. Then the owner’s visa on the basis of business license is issued for three years, which means that it is the permission for three years residence.

For the license issuance there is requirement of Ejari and tenancy contract. This tenancy agreement could be of office, ware house or shop. But in case if the investor is not getting the space of his choice so the license process is hindered due to the tenancy contract, so in this case the business consultants help the investors with the option of virtual space for office, which is meant to obtain the tenancy papers to continue the business licensing. Call for Cheapest Business center in Dubai!


After the visa is stamped then the investor has to go for the Emirates ID. After the license is issued the investor can continue with the virtual office or he can find real space for work. A Technical Services license in Dubai could have the quota which means the visas can be issued for the labors or staff.

Business activities that can be done under technical services license

The business activities that are allowed under the technical services license are cladding, Air Conditioner maintenance and installation, plumbing & sanitary works, false ceiling work, residential or commercial light sitting work, partition and office fit outs, painting, floor contracting like wooden flooring or tiles fitting, carpentry, Electromechanical Services and woodwork.


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